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Decluttering your home for sale

Buyers want space and storage, and a benefit is when a home is presented in a way that they can imagine as their own. Decluttering is about making your home feel larger, showing off your storage, and being selective on what is kept on show., allowing buyers to easily envision themselves moving in. 

Invest time in decluttering, here are some tips to get you started in the process.


1. Ask your agent - Check with them to evaluate the extent of your clutter and where you should focus your energy. You may only have one room that requires attention. 


2. Depersonalise - Depersonalising is an easy way to start the decluttering process in any room. Personal items like photos, kid's drawings, and vouchers on the fridge or side tables create clutter and make it hard for the buyer to picture themselves living in your home. You want your home to feel lived in, but not covered in personal bits and pieces. 


3. Sort things into three categories.

  • Things moving with you.
  • Things to donate.
  • Things to throw out.

Charities would benefit from goods and clothing you no longer need or host a garage sale for items you've removed from the home that are in great condition and still worth something. 


4. Start packing now, the interior of your garage or shed will most likely not be photographed for the marketing campaign, so start packing items to help with the decluttering and store.


5. Hide what's under the bed, under the desk, or on the kitchen bench and table. You want the best first impression for when someone walks into the room. You want each room to look as large and as inviting as possible. 


6. Hide ugly items. Hiding things like the garbage bin, toothbrushes, any pet bowls, and beds.